title of this project parapharases the well known credo of
the mathematician/number theorist Arnold Ross: “To
think deeply of simple things.” What could be simpler
than counting? Yet the depth and complexity of the relationships
among numbers
belie such
apparent simplicity. Similarly, to look and photograph deeply
requires focused attention on subjects that lend themselves
to a complex
I am fascinated when a photograph suggests something entirely
unexpected so that complexities emerge and meanings broaden.
Such photographs are maps to the kinds of possibilities available
in an image. The photographs that comprise this project don’t
necessarily conform to the usual expectation that a set of
artist’s pictures will be about related subject matter
and have a coherent theme as do most of the other projects
on this website. Rather, they are related by
an idea about a way of seeing, of giving deep attention
to the possibilities for understanding and interpreting
a photograph.