James Audubon painted his birds in watercolor in the wilds of North
America in the 1820s and 30s. His paintings were reproduced as
hand-colored intaglio prints by Robert Havell, London, and published
as Birds of America, offered to subscribers in monthly five-print
sets between 1827 and 1838. My photographs of corporate and civic
architecture were made with 35mm film 170 years later. Audubon’s
images and my negatives were scanned separately and combined.
Audubon was a heroic figure of my childhood for the quality of his
art and the imagination and scale of his enterprise. In recent
years I’ve come to appreciate his idealized yet convincing pictures
as foreshadowing the visual revolution that followed Daguerre’s
and Talbot’s 1839–1840 announcements of the invention of
photography and its subsequent application to natural subjects.
Click the
pictures to see larger versions:
Owl, Milano Hotel From the Steps
of the Old Mint, San Francisco, CA 1998
Passenger Pigeon
Federal Building, Oakland, CA, 1997 |
Black-throated Mango
Union Planters Bank, Milmi FL, 1999 |
Rough-legged Hawk
Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA, 2000
Cooper's Hawk and Bluebird
Intel, Santa Clara, CA, 2001 |
Chatterer, Sculpture Garden
Museum of Modern Art, NY, NY 2001
Times Square, New York, NY 2001 |
Turkey Vulture, New York-New York
Las Vegas, NV, 1998 |
Gyrfalcon, East River from Windows on
the World, WTC, New
York, NY, 2000 |
Auduboniana was
published by Landweber/Artists, Berkeley, California, 2015, in an edition
of 15 and 5 artist’s proofs. Digital-pigment prints were made using
HP Vivera inks on 14"×20" Legion Moab Entrada paper.
A boxed set of edition numbers 1–10 is available as a portfolio of the
complete set of nine prints, presented in a custom-made solander case with cover
sheet and colophon: |